Abendschoen, Henry : (X X 1832 - 31 DEC 1859) in Evangelical Church : Born in Schwaigern, Kingdom, Wurtenburg, Germany ; Aged - 27 yrs, 1 mo, 19 das
Ackerson, Lillian : (X X 1870 - X X 1943) in Riverview Cem : _no notes_ ;
Ackinson, Cora : (X X 1878 - X X 1960) in Smith Cem : _no notes_ ;
Ackinson, Isaac : (X X 1872 - X X 1959) in Smith Cem : _no notes_ ;
Acors, Goldie : (X X 1891 - X X X) in Barlow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Acors, John : (17 JAN 1880 - 16 FEB 1951) in Barlow Cem : West Virginia Sgt. Trp K. 8 Cavalry ; Spanish American War
Adams, Betsy : (X X 1800 - 16 FEB 1828) in Riverview Cem : Consort of George W. Adams - In the 28th yr of her age ;
Adams, Lucy : (X X 1770 - 25 OCT 1824) in Riverview Cem : Aged 54 yrs ;
Adams, Mayme : (X X 1885 - X X X) in Riverview Cem : _no notes_ ;
Adams, Nina D.: (3 SEP 1850 - 4 FEB 1899) in Macksburg Cem : Wife of George Adams ;
Adams, Orinda : (X X 1817 - X X 1901) in Rainbow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Adams, Richard F.: (11 JUN 1928 - 25 MAY 1964) in Riverview Cem : Ohio PFC H.Q. Co. 43rd Inf. - Korean War ;
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Adamson, John Paul: (4 AUG 1924 - 27 OCT 1962) in Barlow Cem : Ohio GM3, U,S,N,R, World War II ;
Addis, B. F.: (4 SEP 1838 - 23 MAY 1879) in Layman Cem : Flag Marker ;
Addis, Charles M.: (3 JUL 1850 - 3 OCT 1925) in Layman Cem : _no notes_ ;
Addis, Florence Campbell: (30 APR 1854 - 20 MAY 1900) in Layman Cem : Wife of Charles M. Addis ;
Addis, J. R.: (2 NOV 1844 - 14 APR 1907) in Layman Cem : _no notes_ ;
Addis, Jason S.: (X X 1842 - 12 OCT 1866) in Layman Cem : Son of W. and M. B. Addis ; Aged, 24 yrs - 2 mos - 17 das
Addis, John : (X X 1781 - 26 JAN 1863) in Layman Cem : Aged, 81 yrs - 2 mos - 1 da ;
Addis, Jonathan : (2 NOV 1805 - 10 OCT 1897) in Layman Cem : Aged, 91 yrs - 9 mos - 8 das ;
Addis, Margaret M.: (X X 1819 - 3 APR 1890) in Layman Cem : Aged, 71 yrs - 3 mos - 23 das ;
Addis, Marshall : (X X X - 6 FEB 1867) in Layman Cem : Son of Wm and M. B. Addis ;
Addis, Martha B.: (X X 1807 - 28 NOV 1874) in Layman Cem : Wife of Wm. Addis ; Aged, 67 yrs - 27 das
Addis, Mary E.: (X X 1843 - X X 1932) in Barlow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Addis, Sabina M.: (15 MAR 1856 - 27 DEC 1901) in Layman Cem : _no notes_ ;
Addis, William : (X X 1807 - 10 SEP 1884) in Layman Cem : Aged, 76 yrs - 9 mos - 24 das ;
Addis, Wilson Jasper: (X X X - 15 X 1865) in Layman Cem : Son of Jonathan and M. Addis ;
Addleman, Roy Holland: (10 FEB 1895 - 2 JAN 1914) in Macksburg Cem : Son of Andrew and Josephine Addleman ;
Addlespurger, Grace : (X X 1907 - X X 1936) in Macksburg Cem : _no notes_ ;
Affleck, Margaret : (29 SEP 1810 - 27 OCT 1875) in Barlow Cem : Wife of Wm. Affleck ;
Agin, Charlotte : (26 MAY 1854 - 14 SEP 1884) in Barlow Cem : Wife of William L. Agin ; Aged, 30 yrs - 3 mos - 18 das
Agin, Fran Leon: (12 SEP 1861 - 2 OCT 1941) in Barlow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Agin, Ida Elma: (1 OCT 1859 - 24 DEC 1942) in Barlow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Agin, Lydia Ann, Vincent: (15 NOV 1834 - 11 MAR 1907) in Barlow Cem : Wife of James Agin ;
Ahn, Caroline E.: (X X 1860 - X X 1931) in Waxler Cem : _no notes_ ;
Alban, Amy Gray: (15 MAY 1841 - 7 JAN 1937) in Smith Cem : Wife of George Alban ;
Alban, George : (10 OCT 1837 - 4 MAY 1920) in Smith Cem : _no notes_ ;
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Alden, Caroline M.: (X X 1891 - X X 1961) in Rainbow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Alden, Charles D.: (X X 1895 - X X 1977) in Riverview Cem : _no notes_ ;
Alden, Charlie R.: (6 JUL 1859 - 12 MAY 1879) in Rainbow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Alden, Clara E.: (26 SEP 1858 - 12 MAR 1903) in Rainbow Cem : Wife of F. R. Alden ;
Alden, Clark Stacy: (X X 1858 - 24 MAY 1866) in Rainbow Cem : Aged 8 yrs, (?) Son of R. G. & Sophia Alden ;
Alden, Esther B.: (X X 1896 - X X 1970) in Riverview Cem : _no notes_ ;
Alden, F. R.: (X X 1859 - X X 1937) in Rainbow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Alden, Nancy R.: (X X 1870 - X X 1960) in Rainbow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Alden, Orpha S.: (X X 1865 - X X 1945) in Rainbow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Alden, Percival C.: (X X 1885 - X X 1966) in Rainbow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Alden, Rufus G.: (23 MAY 1834 - 20 APR 1897) in Rainbow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Alden, Sophia E. Stacy: (8 NOV 1834 - 6 OCT 1916) in Rainbow Cem : Wife of Rufus G. Alden ;
Alexander, Elizabeth Horner: (10 NOV 1797 - 26 JAN 1879) in Layman Cem : Wife of Robert Alexander ;
Alexander, Joseph : (1 MAY 1889 - 18 JUL 1961) in Mt. Liberty Chapel : Ohio Pvt. U. S. Army, World War I ;
Algee, Kempsie Dell: (X X 1892 - X X 1964) in Mt. Liberty Chapel : _no notes_ ;
Algee, Leonard David: (X X 1879 - X X 1961) in Mt. Liberty Chapel : _no notes_ ;
Allebaugh, Margaret J.: (X X 1867 - X X 1916) in Barlow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Allen, Elizabeth : (17 JUL 1844 - 4 APR 1875) in Evangelical Church : On marker with Anna Barbara Weihl ;
Allender, Esther M.: (X X 1906 - X X 1959) in Riverview Cem : _no notes_ ;
Allender, Randy : (24 JUN 1954 - X X X) in Riverview Cem : _no notes_ ;
Allman, Sarah A. C.: (X X 1840 - 6 APR 1870) in Barlow Cem : Wife of Thomas W. Allman ; Aged, 30 yrs - 3 das
Anderson, Agnes H.: (X X 1895 - X X X) in Barlow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Anderson, Clarence : (X X 1885 - X X 1954) in Barlow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Anderson, Edith F.: (X X 1881 - X X 1954) in Barlow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Anderson, James H.: (X X 1881 - X X 1943) in Barlow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Anderson, Margaretta A.: (X X 1850 - X X 1937) in Barlow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Anderson, Ralph C.: (X X 1905 - X X 1936) in Barlow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Angle, Peter R.: (X X 1854 - X X 1925) in Layman Cem : _no notes_ ;
Angle, Sarah F.: (X X 1862 - X X 1925) in Layman Cem : Wife of Peter Angle ;
Antill, Mary Smithson: (X X 1876 - X X 1961) in New Macksburg Cem : _no notes_ ;
Archer, Grace D.: (X X 1885 - X X 1921) in Macksburg Cem : _no notes_ ;
Armstrong, Georgia A.: (X X 1887 - X X 1953) in Rainbow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Armstrong, Richard R.: (X X 1893 - X X 1969) in Rainbow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Armstrong, Sarah E.: (12 AUG 1918 - 3 DEC 1920) in Rainbow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Armstrong, Vernie R.: (X X 1892 - X X X) in Rainbow Cem : _no notes_ ;
Atherton, C. W.: (X X 1850 - X X X) in Macksburg Cem : _no notes_ ;
Atherton, Lzzie : (X X 1858 - X X 1930) in Macksburg Cem : Wife of C. W. Atherton ;
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Atkinson, Adella : (2 JUN 1881 - 31 OCT 1881) in Macksburg Cem : Dau. of Wm. and Amanda Atkinson ;
Atkinson, Amanda J., Walton: (10 JAN 1834 - 13 JUN 1922) in Macksburg Cem : Wife of Wm. M. Atkinson ;
Atkinson, Amanda A.: (4 NOV 1876 - 20 NOV 1878) in Macksburg Cem : Dau. of Wm. (?) and Amanda Atkinson ;
Atkinson, Amanda Jane: (X X 1846 - 8 OCT 1862) in Macksburg Cem : Dau. of I. and H. Atkinson - aged 16 yrs, 6 mos, 16 das ;
Atkinson, Caroline Knowles: (X X X - X X X) in Newbury Cem : On marker with Sophronian Knowles ;
Atkinson, Carolyn Knowles: (X X 1836 - X X 1914) in Newbury Cem : On same marker as Charles L., Adaline, Sophronian K. ;
Atkinson, Hannah Lippencott: (26 APR 1819 - 31 MAR 1883) in Macksburg Cem : Wife of Isaac - Aged 83 yrs, 11 mos, 4 das ;
Atkinson, Isaac : (29 OCT 1819 - 17 OCT 1906) in Macksburg Cem : Father ;
Atkinson, Issac D.: (X X 1866 - 25 MAR 1866) in Macksburg Cem : Son of I. and H. Atkinson - aged 2 mos, 22 das ;
Atkinson, Jeremiah F.: (1 MAY 1873 - 6 MAR 1894) in Macksburg Cem : _no notes_ ;
Atkinson, Lulu Jones: (X X 1879 - 2 OCT 1881) in Macksburg Cem : Dau of B. F. and L. M. Atkinson ; Aged, 1 yr, 11 mos, 11 das
Atkinson, Lydia M.: (9 DEC 1892 - 10 OCT 1893) in Macksburg Cem : Dau. of Clara J. and W. S. Atkinson ;
Atkinson, Wm. M.: (7 OCT 1841 - 19 JAN 1894) in Macksburg Cem : A member of Co. B. 77 Reg. O.V.I. ;
Atkinson, Wm. Wickliffe: (23 DEC 1874 - 5 JUN 1925) in Macksburg Cem : Flag ;
Ayers, Albert : (X X 1861 - X X 1936) in Macksburg Cem : _no notes_ ;
Ayers, Benjamin E.: (X X 1865 - 24 APR 1867) in Macksburg Cem : Son of J. F. and S. E. Ayers ;
Ayers, Eunice : (X X 1865 - X X 1941) in Macksburg Cem : _no notes_ ;
Ayers, Henley H.: (X X 1857 - 25 NOV 1861) in Macksburg Cem : Son of J. F. and S. E. Ayers ; Aged 4 yrs, 3 mos, 13 das
Ayers, James F.: (X X 1828 - X X 1906) in Macksburg Cem : _no notes_ ;
Ayers, Joseph A.: (X X 1863 - 3 JUL 1884) in Macksburg Cem : Son of James F. and S. E. Ayers ; Aged, 20 yrs, 7 mos, 27 das
Ayers, Mary A.: (X X 1855 - X X 1933) in Macksburg Cem : _no notes_ ;
Ayers, Serena E.: (X X 1836 - X X 1925) in Macksburg Cem : _no notes_ ;
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