www.WashOGS.org Four Western Washington County Towns - 1882Barlow | Bartlett | Vincent | Watertown |
Marietta Weekly Leader, Tuesday, 29 Aug 1882
Vincent and Barlow villages are situated in West Barlow township, about one and a half miles apart, in a section of exceptionally well kept farms. The society, school and church advantages of the villages and vicinity are not excelled in the county. The farmers of this section are very intelligent and scientific, and withal know how to enjoy life in the most approved manner. The farm productions are of the highest grade, and the many wool growers can show some of the finest sheep and best wool in the United States, as acknowledged by all wool buyers.
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which is situated on the Old Line railroad, contains the following business establishments:
One hotel, the Preston House, kept by M. J. Preston, which has existed under this name for thirty years, and has a good run of custom for an inland village.
Stores, three in number, which keep on hand a full line of such goods as are usually found in the country stores.
J. J. Lynch holds forth in the old yard stand, has been here since April, and his business exceeds his anticipations.
S. F. Hays, near the center of the village, has been here about seven years, and is doing a prosperous business.
M. J. Preston does a general store business in the old Tuttle store building at the old depot; has been in the business for two years, and is doing a fair business.
J. D. Arnold, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, has just opened, and is doing a splendid business. He expects soon to add a stock of ready made boots and shoes. He is assisted by John Berry.
G. W. Mohen, cooper, is the proprietor and operator of the only Cooper Shop, and does a reasonably fair business.
Carpenter and Repair Shop. Kept by Edwin Crewson, who has been in business in this vicinity for twenty-five or thirty years, and is busy most of the time.
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Barlow’s business interests are the following:
Hotel: One, kept by E. Rigg, where the weary traveler can always find feed and rest. He does quite a flourishing business.
In the same house is the millinery establishment of the village, operated by Miss Ella Rigg, who keeps constantly on hand a full line of ladies’ hats, ribbons, &c. at lowest figures. Call and see her, no trouble to show goods.
Merrell Bros. There is but one store in the village, owned by the Merrill Bros. These gentlemen, Jas. and D. H. Merrill, have been for 35 years and still are doing a flourishing business. They keep a general country store, and also keep on hand a stock of agricultural implements. They are perhaps the heaviest wool buyers in the township.
Flouring Mill. There is one flouring mill which also has in connection with it a saw mill. D. E. Basim is the gentlemanly proprietor and gives general satisfaction. He expects soon to enlarge and improve his facilities for grinding. He uses 2700 bushels of coal and 300 cords of wood.
Blacksmithing. Daniel Turner is the only blacksmith in the village. He has been in Barlow for 31 years and has all the business he wishes.
Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. Wm. H. Cunningham has been here since 1869 and is doing a very good business.
The postmaster of the village is Howard Haddow.
Physicians. The medical profession is represented by Drs. Beebe, Morrison and Warden.
Dr. Beebe is the veteran doctor of the village, having practiced medicine here for about 35 years, and has more practice than he wants.
Dr. Morrison is a graduate of Starling Medical college, has been in the village about a year and a half, is doing a good business and “expects to stay.”
Dr. Warden is an old physician of good standing, but owing to lameness, is unable to do much riding.
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Plymouth, or BARTLETT, is a pleasant village of about 300 inhabitants, near the center of Wesley township. The same in general may be said of Plymouth and vicinity, as was said of the preceding two villages (Vincent and Barlow). The business institutions all do a thriving business, as may be readily inferred when the thick settlement which surrounds the village is taken into consideration.
There are in the village seven stores, three general stores, which keep dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, queensware, &c.
G. Payne & Co. is the name of the oldest firm, the senior member of which firm has been in business in Bartlett for 18 years. The firm is doing a very fair share of the business. The post office is in same building with the store. G. M. Payne is P[ost] M[aster] and junior partner of the firm.
M. D. Fowler has done business in the village for ten years, also keeps drugs and patent medicines, is doing a reasonable business.
Hobson & Dean have been here about two and a half years, run on a strictly cash system, and are doing an excellent business.
Miss L. R. Smith does a paying business in dry goods, fancy goods and notions.
W. G. Jewell owns the only exclusively boot and shoe store in Bartlett. He manufactures and deals in ready made boots and shoes. He expects a new and large stock soon. His business is paying.
F. A. Keets also makes and repairs boots and shoes, also owns a farm near the village.
Hardware and Tinware. H. J. Morrow has a large stock of hardware and tinware, gives especial attention to spouting and roofing, has been in business here for three years, and is making it pay.
In the right hand corner of his store, P. J. Thomas, the only jeweler in this place, may usually be found. This gentleman has been here only a few weeks, but is recommended as a skillful workman, and will no doubt do a successful business. He expects soon to purchase a stock of watches, clocks and jewelry.
Harness and Saddles. A. M. Bailey keeps on hand a full stock of harness and other equine equipments. Does a fair business.
Blacksmithing and Wagon Making. Williamson and Cone, blacksmithing and wagon makers, do reliable work.
Chas. Morrow does general blacksmithing and wagon making, began business here in 1831, and is doing a fair business.
Capt. J. C. Morrow is a skilled blacksmith and gets a fair share of the custom work.
Warrell & Harris are the proprietors of a flouring mill, which does general custom work. They have been here only a short time, but are doing a good business.
Mr. S. B. Livengood is miller, carpenter and cabinet maker.
Mr. Ellis Wood has a carpenter shop and is an undertaker. Also owns and runs a farm near village.
Millinery. Miss Mollie Parkins is the village milliner, and turns out some excellent work.
Physicians. There are two physicians and surgeons.
Dr. R. Ruttege, a graduate of the Ohio Medical College, who has been here two years, and is enjoying a fair practice; and
Dr. T. D. Cummings, who has been in the town for six years, and has a good practice.
Academy. An important feature of Plymouth is the Bartlett Academy. Prof. L. C. Crippen, and old experienced instructor, has by his peculiar abilities made it more popular than ever before. He is just entering his second year as principal of this institution and the increased number of students from a distance proves conclusively that his efforts to make a first class Academy have not been in vain. The school opened with an attendance of sixty-six and a sure prospect of that many more entering as soon as the summer farm work is done. A library has recently been started in connection with the Academy, to which there was recently added 80 volumes of standard works, encyclopedias, histories, &c. There is also a reading room in the Academy building, which contains some of the best daily and weekly publications.
To those preparing for business or teaching, Bartlett Academy offers the best facilities. Prof. Crippen is a practical short hand writer and gives thorough instructions to those who wish to become proficient in the art. There are two buildings in connection with this institution, one containing a recitation room, the reading room and a lecture room; the other a dormitory and boarding house, in which is being tried the experiment of furnishing the students board at about cost. Bartlett Academy is a substantial institution, with a course of instruction practically as good as many of our colleges offer, and is meeting with deserved success.
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Watertown, a thriving and prosperous village, is situated on Wolf Creek, in the South-west part of the township of the same name, six and eight tenths miles south of Beverly village, and five miles north of Barlow village. The farming district surrounding it is very good.
Its business interests are as follows:
It has one good hotel kept by Josiah Burchett, who does a good business.
Two stores. There are two general stores, which deal in dry goods, groceries, hardware, queensware, boots and shoes, &c. T. J. Dunbar, the proprietor of the “Cheap Variety Store,” is a good example of what integrity, energy and perseverance can do for a man. He has been in the village for many years and has made money. Laflin and Fisher is a firm of comparatively recent origin; they are both gentlemanly business men, and are doing a successful business.
Drugstore. There is one regular drug store, owned and operated by Conrad Bohl, one of the oldest business men of this place. He keeps on hand a full line of drugs, patent medicines, toilet articles &c.
Undertaking. J. G. Martin is the undertaker of the village, is doing a good business, and would do better if people would die faster.
Post Office. Mr. E. G. Tompkins is the post-master. He has erected a fine, little frame building for this office, where the hungry letter seeker can always find him or his daughter, Miss Minnie [Tompkins], his efficient assistant.
Insurance Agency. Mr. Jacob Bohl is Agent for many of the best Insurance Companies in the country, and like his cousin, the Hon. Henry Bohl, of Marietta, is doing a good business.
Wool Merchant. One of the heaviest wool buyers in the county is Grosvenor Woodford, of Watertown. In the upper story of Laflin and Fisher’s store building, Mr. Woodford has stowed away in one lot $10,000 worth of wool. Mr. Woodford is now 71 years of age. He has made and lost a large fortune, but, although an old man when he lost it, by his indomitable business energy he has almost or quite recovered it.
Professional. There are two physicians and surgeons in Watertown, Dr. John Bohl, sr., and Dr. John Bohl, jr. The former is the veteran doctor of the township, having been in successful practice for thirty years. The latter, his son, graduated from Miami Medical College in the class of '82. He is practicing medicine with his father and has the confidence of the neighborhood. They have a large Apothecary shop in connection with their office.Blacksmithing and Wagon Making. J. L. Schweickert came to Watertown about 1856, and has done a good business in wagon making. He expects soon to move on a farm near the village. W. H. McCowen commenced blacksmithing here about eight years ago. He manufactures some of the best wagons, expresses and carriages in the county. Altogether, he has been financially successful. Wilhelm Remele has done general blacksmithing here for fourteen years, and is doing a good business.
Harness Making. L. J. Cooksey, the harness and saddle maker, came to Watertown thirty years ago, is now eighty-one years of age, and is still working at his trade with as much spirit and energy as a young man.
Cobbling. Frank Klinger is the only shoemaker in the village, has been here eleven years and has more work than he can do.
Flouring Mill. J. A. Seely, the popular miller, has done a good business, but at present the mill is out of order and can not be repaired on account of too much water. Could get all he could do if the mill was in order.
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