A | B | C | D | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | W | Y

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ABBREVIAT1ONS. In the following pages,
  • ab stands for above;
  • ave for avenue;
  • ay for alley;
  • b for boards;
  • bel for below;
  • bet for between;
  • (col.) for colored;
  • cor for corner;
  • h for residence;
  • ะพ for office;
  • opp for opposite;
  • e s for east side;
  • w s for west side;
  • n s for north side;
  • s s for south side;
  • nr for near;
  • wid. for widow;
  • s and h for store or shop and house;
  • st for street;
  • r for rear.
It will be understood that the names and residences of members of firms following the names of each firm do not interfere with the regular insertion in their alphabetical order. The names appearing in CAPITAL LETTERS are subscribers.
[Note: The first surname for each letter of the alphabet is also capitalized.]

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Harmar (Ohio) Directory 1871-72

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ADAMS, A., restaurant, Church, nr Front.
Alcock,, W. B., carpenter, Gilman.
Allee, William, mechanical sup't M. & C. R.R., Market.
Allen, George L., of Allen & Regnier, Railroad and Third.
Allen & Regnier, groceries, &c., Church, nr Second.
Asbury, Ambrose, gent., Franklin, ab Putnam.
Athey, C. W., dry goods and groceries, Gilman.

BABCOCK, J. W., painter, Franklin, ab Putnam.
Barber & Co., dry goods and groceries, Second and Ohio.
Barber, David, of Barber & Co., Second and Market.
Barber, Levi, of Reppard, Barber & Co., Front.
Bartlett, J. W., foreman, Market.
Baumgartner, Lewis, teamster, Lancaster.
Beltz, John, cooper, Gilman.
Berry, Zenas A., of A. F. Ward & Co., Franklin ab Putnam.
Bisbee, William, clerk in foundry, Lancaster.
Bishop, Mrs. Mary, wid. of William, Franklin.
Blair, Joel, machinist, Third, nr Ohio.
Boothby, William, carpenter, Lancaster.
Bosworth, George S., of B. S. Higley & Co., Second, bet Church and North.
Brosby, C., boiler, Lancaster.
Burlingame, Mrs. S., wid. of Luther, Putnam.
Buzzard, Philip, carpenter, Second, nr Market.

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CALHOUN, John P., roller in rolling-mill, Lancaster.
Capin, Harrow, mayor of Harmar, Second, nr the river.
Carpenter, John, laborer, Third and Ohio.
Caywood, Albert, druggist, Church, nr Second.
Caywood, W., carpenter, Church, nr Second.
Cecil, George, laborer, Market.
Chambers, O. J., merchant, Second, nr Market.
Childers, William, laborer, Front.
Childs, Daniel, roller, Second, nr river.
Clark, Thomas, heater, Second, nr Market.
Conrady, John, machinist ab Putnam.
Cox, G. N., gentll, Third nr Railroad.
Cox., Samuel, mason, Market and Third.
Cunningham, Thomas, peddler, Market and Third.
Curtis, Augustus, miller, River, nr Bridge.
Curtis, C. M., of B. S. Higley & Co., Muskingum, bet Church and North.

DANIELS, Joseph, machinist, Ohio, nr Third.
Daniels, Mrs. S., wid. of Abram, Putnam.
Davis, A., heater rolling mill, Gilmore (Gilman?).
Davis, W. S., teamster, Lancaster.
Deeble, Charles, shoemaker, Lancaster.
Defibaugh, E. P., laborer, Second, nr Church.
DETZER, FREDERICK, dry goods, groceries, confectionery & bakery, h and s Church, nr Second.
Dilley, James, caulker, river bank and Second.
Dow, E., gent., Ohio, bet Second and Third.
Duffy, Peter, laborer, Third, nr Ohio.
Dumble, J. W., printer, Franklin and Putnam.
Dye, Moffatt, merchant, Franklin.

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FEARING, Henry, gentl, Second and Market.
Fearing, Silas, gent., Franklin.
Flanders, Converse, salesman, Railroad nr Third.
Fletcher, Jesse, cook, ab Putnam.

GALEAR, Thomas, boiler, Market and Second.
Gallagher, Mrs. Mary, wid. of Thomas, Second nr Church.

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Gerken, George, confectioner, Church nr Front.
Gerken, Henry, dealer in dry goods and groceries, Church and Muskingum.
Gleason, Mike, laborer, Franklin.
Gosset, E., Market and Third.
Grab, Mrs. F., wid. of Henry, Lancaster.
Griffith, John, boiler, Gilmore (Gilman?).
Gurley, W. H., gent., Second, nr the river.

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HALE, Owen, carpenter, Second, nr Market.
Hale, Selkirk, carpenter, Ohio, nr Third.
Hall, J. J., tobacconist, Lancaster.
HARMAR FLOURING MILLS, B. S. Higley & Co., proprietors, Church and Muskingum.
Harris, Samuel, teamster, Franklin, ab Railroad.
Harrison, George W., laborer, Church, nr Fourth.
Hart, Columbus, carpenter, Franklin and Putnam.
Hart, J. T., contractor, Front.
Hart, R. B., clerk, Second, nr the river.
Hart, S. M., dentist, o Second, a river, b Putnam House.
Hartwick, John, roller, Front.
Hawkins, George C., Franklin and Putnam.
Haynes, John, heater, Front.
Hayward, Rotheus, sheet-iron works, Gilmore (Gilman?).
Helt, F., engineer, Franklin.
Helt, Nicholas, boiler, Market and Franklin.
HIgley, B. S., of B. S. Higley & Co., Third, nr Harmar.
HIGLEY, B. W., & CO., manufacturers and dealers in flour, meal and feed, Church and Muskingum.
Hill, E. D., dealer in ready-made clothing, Front.
Holden, Mrs. Mary, wid. of Joseph, Front.
Holland, J. B., boiler, Lancaster.
Hollister, W. B., marble-cutter, Gilman.
Howison, Mrs. E., wid. of Robert, Second, nr. Church.
Huggins, Jason, portable saw-mill, Gilman.

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IRVINE, Mrs. Fannie, milliner, h and s Church, nr Front.

JEWELL, Mrs. A., wid. of Silas T., Second, nr Market.
Jones, J. M., bricklayer, Lancaster.
Judd, C., wid., Gilmore (Gilman?)
Judd, Merritt, toll-keeper, River, nr Bridge.

KINNAIRD, Matthew, teamster, Franklin, ab Putnam.
Klen, Henry, boiler, Franklin, ab Putnam.
Knox, Charles, of Knox & Bros., river bank, nr Second.
Knox, Edward, boatman, Front.
Knox, M. G., boat-builder, Second, nr Market.
Knox, William, boatman, Third, nr Ohio.
Kropp, Wm., clerk, Putnam.

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LAFFLAND, Sanford, miller, Lancaster.
Levecy, John, pilot, Second, nr River.
Lewis, William, heater, Market and Front.
Loeker, J., wid. of Geo., Franklin, ab Putnam.
Loughridge, S. O., physician and surgeon, o Front, b Mansion House.
Lucas, Harry G., telegraph operator, Gilmore (Gilman?).
Luthringer, Emry, dealer in hardware, tinware, &c., h and s Church, nr Front.
Luthringer, Joseph, tinner, Second, nr Church.

MAAS, John, baker and confectioner, h and s Second, nr River.
Marsh, George, mechanic, Lancaster.
Marshall, T. L., dealer in groceries, &c., h and s Church nr Second.
McClaran, Peter, marble-cutter, Muskingum, nr Front.
McConnell, James, machinist, Lancaster.
McCoy, W. W., carpenter, Second, nr Church.
McGinty, Neil, laborer, Third, nr railroad.
McTarry, Rev. James, pastor A. M. E. church, b Franklin, ab Putnam.
Mitchell, Mark, watchman, Market.
Morris, J. S., miller, Franklin, ab Putnam.
Morris, Sarah, wid. Market.
Morse, Manley, prop. Putnam House, Second, nr River.
Muncy, Jefferson, barber, s Putnam House, h Second, nr Market.

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NAYLOR, William M., of Turner, Dye & Col, Church, nr Fourth.
Naylor, J., shoemaker, Lancaster.
Newby, G., barber, Church, nr Front.
Noon, Anthony, gent., Market.
Nugent, George, mechanic, ab Putnam.

PARKER, J. S., coal-merchant, Third, nr Market.
Pattin, T. J., manufacturere of wooden ware, Main, nr Putnam.
Payne, W. N., merchant, Putnam.
Peterson, John, cabinet-maker, Church, nr Third.
Pfaff, Lewis, machinist, Franklin.
Phillips, William, ruffler, Second, nr River.
Pixley, Argalus, carpenter, Franklin, ab Putnam.
Preston, Calvin, teamster, Lancaster.
Preston, Calvin J., bucket-factory, Lancaster.
Price, William, teamster, Third, nr Ohio.
Pugh, David, carpenter, Harmar Square.
Pugh, Mary A., wid. of Robert, Third, nr Market.
Pugh, Thomas, laborer, Third and Ohio.
Purcell, Jacob, mill-wright, Main, nr Putnam.
Putnam, David, retired merchant, head of Church.
Putnam, David, farmer, Harmar Hill.
Putnam, Douglass, of Putnam & Sons, Harmar Hill.
Putnam, Lydia, wid., Muskingum

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RACER, G. C., clerk, Franklin.
Reed, D. M., books, papers, &c., Church, nr Second.
Reed., D. W., druggist, Second, nr Church.
Reed, George W., of Reed & Marshall, Second and Railroad.
REED & MARSHALL, dealers in drugs, medicines, perfumery, paints, oils, varnishes, dye stuffs and fancy articles, Church and Second.
Rees, J. R., hooper, Lancaster.
Regnier, F. A., of Alllen & Regnier, Railroad and Second.
Reynolds, Timothy, landlord, Market and Third.
Roderick, David, boiler, Second, nr River.
Roush, William, shearman, Second, nr Church.
Rowlins, Thomas, watchman, Market.

SCHOTT, Henry, shoemaker, Franklin.
Scott, Isaiah, stone-cutter, Lancaster.
Scott, John, blacksmith, Front.
Sharp, D. W., carpenter, Third and Gilman.
Sharpe, C. T., gent., Third, nr Ohio.
Shepard, C., tanner, Franklin, ab Railroad.
Smith, E. G., mason, Second, nr Market.
Smith, J. W., slater, Franklin, ab Railroad.
Smith, Jacob, (col.,), laborer, Second, nr River.
Smith, Joseph, blacksmith, Second, nr Market.
Smith, W. H., of Barber & Co., Third, bet Market and Ohio.
Smith, William, miller, Lancaster.
Spaulding, Isaac, pump-maker, Ohio, bet Second and Third.
Spear, Samuel, mason, Front.
Stafford, Patrick, boiler, Second, nr Market.
Starlin, Ebenezer, supervisor, Gilman.
STEVENS, GEORGE P., dry goods, groceries, produce, tobacco and cigars, s Church and Second, h Second, nr Church.
Stevens, J. G., physician, Church, nr Third.
Stone, Augustus, gent., Franklin and Putnam.
Stone, Daniel, lock-tender, Muskingum.
Stratton, J. P., wid. of George E., Putnam.
Strecker, George, boiler-maker, Franklin, ab Railroad.
Strobel, C. L., boiler, ab Putnam.
Strobel, J. H., heater, Sedond, nr River.
Stufflebeam, Calvin, railroad iron rolling mill.
Suthers, Esther, wid. of William, Second, nr River.

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Thompson, H. D., brick-layer, ab Putnam.
TIBBETTS, W. L., tanner and cutter, Second.
Tidd, Samuel H., carpenter, Gilman.
Tornes, William, shoemaker, Lancaster.
Towsley, Frank, carpenter, Church, nr Front.
Trautman, John, clerk, Lancaster.
Turner, Dye & Co., dealers in dry goods, &c., Church and Second.
Turner, Thomas M., merchant, Second and Railroad.

WAGNER, A., proprietor Valley House, Second and Church.
Wakefield, William, pastor First Congregational Church, Franklin.
Wallace, B. H., pastor M. E. (Methodist Episcopal) Church, Second, nr Market.
Wells, T. K., of Reppard, Barber & Co., Front.
Westwood, John, rolling mill, Franklin, ab Putnam.
Wheeler, Lemuel, gent., Second, nr Railroad.
Winchester, A., mail-carrier, Church, nr Third.
Worster, Jefferson, stone-mason, Putnam.

YOUNG, Mrs. Lydia, post mistress, Church, nr Second.

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